📒 The Gods Of Pegana (day 1)

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joi, 16 mai, 01:53 (acum 3 zile)
to me
Alhireth-Hotep the Prophet

The Gods Of Pegana

day 1 of 32
Lord Dunsany
0 minutes read

Alhireth-Hotep the Prophet

When Yug was Yug no more men said unto Alhireth-Hotep: “Be thou our prophet, and be as wise as Yug.”

And Alhireth-Hotep said: “I am as wise as Yug.” And men were very glad.

And Alhireth-Hotep said of Life and Death: “These be the affairs of Alhireth-Hotep.” And men brought gifts to him.

One day Alhireth-Hotep wrote in a book: “Alhireth-Hotep knoweth All Things, for he hath spoken with Mung.”

And Mung stepped from behind him, making the sign of Mung, saying: “Knowest thou All Things, then, Alhireth-Hotep?” And Alhireth-Hotep became among the Things that Were.